
Please add date/tim...
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Please add date/time stamp to disconnect messages

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It would help a great deal to show when a connection got terminated so I can try to pin point what might have been going on at the time.

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This is a good idea. I throw it into the list.

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Thank you in advance!

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did you already add this to the recent RC executables? if so, it still disconnects without a date/time stamp

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This change made it into the final version of 11.39. Enjoy! For most machines, 64/32 bit version:

Link replaced.  Update to 11.39 or higher.

If you want scripting features enabled, this only works in 32 bit version, but will run on either 64 bit or 32 bit machines:

Link replaced.  Update to 11.39 or higher.


This post was modified 2 months ago by bpence

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in [url= ]a different post[/url] you wrote:

And I DID make a last minute change to add a timestamp in the toolbar to indicate when a disconnect occurred. Enjoy!

unfortunately it isn't working in the final version. see attached screen capture.

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Sorry, I should be more specific. The disconnect date/time is in the statusbar, not on screen

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And yes, the forum software does suck. It's old, quirky, and difficult to work with. Following the release of 11.39, my next priority is a complete overhaul of the website. It's not my strong suit, and so doesn't get much priority.

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aha, i see it now. i know it may seem like a small thing but this helps me tremendously -- thank you!

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well shoot, now that i've had a couple more disconnects happen, i guess i did a terrible job in wording my request.

i discovered what the change actually does by being away from my computer for several hours, during which time one of my server connections got dropped. when i got back to my computer, i saw the dialog window that says, "You have been disconnected from the host you were connected to. Do you want to exit?" ("Always ask this question?" is CHECKED). i then have two options, click on YES or NO.

at the point when the dialog window appears, the status line has not been updated yet

if i click on YES, the tab closes. this would be okay if the status line already had the disconnect timestamp, but it doesn't.

if i click on NO, the tab stays open, however, the timestamp that gets added to the status line is the date/time when i click on NO.

this means no matter which button i click, i still have no info on what date/time the server actually got disconnected.

i reported in my previous post that the change was working, but that's because the disconnect happened while i was already doing stuff in absolute telnet. i clicked on NO (don't exit) and the status line was updated with the time. it gave the appearance of correctly reporting the disconnect date/time because the disconnect had just happened.

to clarify, when i asked, "Please add date/time stamp to disconnect messages" i meant i wanted to know when the active network connection got dropped. i didn't mean i wanted to know when i clicked on the NO button to exit. to put it another way, i'm trying to determine when the server gets actually disconnected, not when i acknowledge the disconnect.

i'm sorry i did not communicate my request clearly, but hopefully i have now. can this change be implemented?

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uncheck the 'always ask this question' and click NO. That disables that dialog altogether and the message will reflect the disconnect time, not the dialog time.
