
SSH Transfer proble...
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SSH Transfer problem

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Hi I am using the lastest version of AT and I am trying to upload a file ~40mb to a unix/linus server from a XP comp. I did the 'rz' command on the command line and started the zmodem upload. About 3.3mb gets transfered and the upload stops and I am returned to the command line. The connection is not dropped. When I do ls I see that file is only 3.3mb. I tried uploading this 3/4 times and everytime it stops at exactly that point (same amount of bytes are transferred). I have enough disk space on the server that is not the problem. Are there any other settings to change in AT? or is there a different command I should use i.e. 'rz -???' This is a relatively small file and I can't figure out where the problem is. Also what is the difference between SSH1 and SSH2? The same thing happens in both modes. Please Help. :confused:

[size=1][ December 07, 2004, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]

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There are no known issues with zmodem transfer that I've heard of.

There may be other things to check besides disk space, though. You may have quotas that limit you from using the remaing disk, even if it is free. Try copying the 3.3mb a couple of times to consume more disk space and see if it will let you. If it does, then there may be additional issues with Absolute.


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Hi thanks for the reply. I put up more files that where smaller in size basically 2-3 mbs and they uploaded fine. so it seems it doesnt like the larger file. Also in the transfer window there is in incremtal for receive and send, send keeps increasing as the file is uploaded but the receive is at '3' from the begining and doesnt increase at all. Is that normal? Has anyone encountered this problem?

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That is normal. During the file send, very few zmodem packets are received. A few at the beginning and a few at the end for handshaking, but that's all.

Which version, specifically, are you using?


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Ver 3.50, just downloaded it today

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i used a different command -> 'zmodem'

and it worked that way. still have not clue why rz isnt working.

Anyway thanks for your help.

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Can you tell me what version of rz you are using? 'rz --version' should do it. Also, is the 'zmodem' program a separate program or some alias or link that executes 'rz' with particular settings? If it a separate program, can you try to determine it's origin and version? 'man zmodem', 'zmodem -h', 'zmodem --help', 'zmodem -v', 'zmodem --version' or something like that should produce some information.

Standard 'rz' without any argments usually works for AbsoluteTelnet. I download (and uploaded) a 100Mb file from WinXP to Linux with no troubles. My rz version is (lrzsz) 0.12.20.



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i am running a diferent flavor of unix. it is very different it doenst show me the version number. the command can not have '-'s in it i have to use ':' instead, for example a command would look like rz :version but I get a parse error, also tried :help

Ill try some more to get it for you.

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I thought you said it was Linux?

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sorry i meant unix/linux meaning not windows. the underlying is unix just a different flavor. this still shouldnt make a difference because we are uploading using the rz/zmodem transfer protocol.

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I suppose it shouldn't make a difference, but you never know. I guess the most important thing is finding out which version of 'rz' you are using that didn't work and which version of 'zmodem' you are using that *does* work.

