
sftp and utf8
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sftp and utf8

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I am evaluating absolutelnet's demo version.
I see ssh displays correctly the Japanese filenames but not sftp.:(
I am wondering if sftp should support utf8 characters or simply be badely configured?
Thank you in advance for your help.

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Yes, Absolute handles Japanese in the terminal well. The things you have to consider to make this work (for those who don't know) are the LANG variable on the host, and the font and translation settings in Absolute (options->properties->appearance).

For SFTP, it's a bit different. AbsoluteTelnet supports SFTP version 4, which (among other things) allows the host to tell the client whether the filename is in UTF8 format or not. So, if Absolute is talking to a host that also supports SFTP version 4, the filenames should appear correctly. However man popular SFTP server software (OpenSSH included) only support SFTP version 3, which does not allow the SFTP host to tell AbsoluteTelnet the filename encoding. This leaves AbsoluteTelnet to *guess* (sometimes badly) at what encoding to use.

I'll look into this further. It might be reasonable to default the translation to match the one being used in the terminal. This may work in your environment, but may not be the right solution for everyone. It might also be reasonable to allow the user to explicitly select the filename character set when the host is using SFTP version 3 or below.

Are you using OpenSSH on the server?

There is an OpenSSH bug for this as well.
[url] [/url]

More to come........

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I've made some changes that help. Download the beta below and let me know how it works for you. In this version, if the sftp protocol is level 4 or above, utf8 encoding is assumed. Below level 4, the character set of the terminal session is used to decode the filenames. So, if you're using utf8 in the terminal session, the filenames will be decoded as utf8 in the sftp as well.

<old link removed> Please update to at least version 7.54



This post was modified 5 months ago by bpence

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thank you very much for a prompt reply.
Now the filenames in unicode are correctly displayed.:cheer:
By the way, I have another question.
Does sftp support only a binary mode transfer or is it possible to switch to a text mode transfer?
Thank you again for your great support.

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Currently, only binary file transfers are supported. Text mode transfers will be supported in the future.
